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mardi 5 mars 2013

Upcoming Subdiaconate Ordinations (SSPX)

Upcoming Subdiaconate Ordinations (SSPX):
On March 16th, Sitientes Saturday, the following seminarians will be ordained to the first of the major holy orders - subdeacon - at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, Winona, MN:

Mr. Charles Deister

Mr. Isaac Delmanowski

Mr. Thomas Duncan

Mr. Andrew Ferrelli

Mr. Peter Fortin

Mr. Joseph Haynos
Before their ordination to the subdiaconate, these seminarians will be making a retreat at the Regina Coeli House from March 8-15.  Please keep all of them in your prayers.  It is by his ordination to the subdiaconate that a man takes upon himself the obligation of leading
a life of perpetual chastity and of saying daily the divine office.

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