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lundi 18 mars 2013

Open Letter to Pope Francis

Open Letter to Pope Francis:
Holy Father,

We at A Catholic Life assert the same philosophy we have embodied since our founding, only a few months after the election of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

While I accept the authority of the Holy Father and all bishops in union
with him, I will not allow the Holy Catholic Church to be torn apart
and assaulted by the forces of Modernism, Syncretism, Heresy, and the
gross immorality of some of its clergy in the name of the "Spirit of
Vatican II". I will not allow our Catholic youth to be robbed of their
faith or have their innocence destroyed in the name of "tolerance",
"ecumenism", "diversity" or any other politically correct ideology of
the day. I am here to promote true Catholicism as taught by those
orthodox, faithful members of the clergy. I am here to be a light
shining in the darkness of sin that is destroying the Internet through
such means as pornography and atheism. In my endeavor to spread piety
and holiness, I shall remain completely obedient to the Holy Church, the
Holy Father, and my immediate superiors. Never shall I encourage
dissent or heresy.

I object to individuals or groups of
individuals being given access to Catholic schools, churches,
conferences and Church property to promote any belief, teaching, or idea
contrary to Catholic teaching as defined by two thousand years of
Tradition and Church teaching. I expect every Catholic priest to follow
the disciplines of the Catholic Church as he solemnly vowed to do. I
expect every bishop to do all he can to safeguard the souls of our
children by exercising his authority to ensure proper teaching within
Catholic schools and parish religion programs. And I insist that
Catholic colleges and universities either teach the True Faith or cease
calling themselves Catholic. I assert that homosexual men and pedophiles
are not to be admitted to the seminary and that women and married men
should never become priests. I object to the use of extraordinary
ministers of Holy Communion since it has always been taught that only
the hands of the ordained minister should touch the Eucharist. I assert
that it is a sin to attend Protestant services or worship services of
other religions. And I desire for all priests to be taught Latin in the
seminary and Gregorian Chant to return in all our churches.

object to any priest treating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as his
personal possession by adding, changing, or removing any part of the
Mass on his own authority. Furthermore, I assert that the right of every Catholic priest to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass must be recognized,
and I consider it a grave scandal that such a right is not recognized
while at the same time countless liturgical and theological novelties
are promoted by many in the hierarchy.

We beg your swift action to reform this growing cancer in the Church so that the Faith may be saved and our Lord will triumph.  To Him be the glory through the Immaculate Heart of our Most Blessed Mother.

In Christ,

A Catholic Life

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